Thanks for your interest in The River's Edge BBS and FTP.LDL.NET as file distribution sites for your software. This document is intended to give you some additional information about the distribution service and hopefully answer any questions you have. The River's Edge BBS: The River's Edge is a 2 node Spitfire BBS that went online 10/1/93. Presently REB draw files from the fidonet filebone as well as programmers such as Nannette Thacker at Shining Star Software, Bruce Bowman with Dirt Cheap Software, Al Lawrence with Sunrise Doors, Steve and Alice Hansen at Ultrasoft as well as several others. The bbs mirrors the ftp site for files, in fact each site feeds the other. Light Speed Data Links: Lite Speed is a full service internet provider in the Columbus, GA area founded early in 1995. It offers full ftp, telnet, gopher, www, email and news services. The ftp area ( is open to all internet users 24 hours daily with no restriction. My job is Administrator of the ftp area and one of my biggest priorities has been putting together a place where people will want to visit. And I can't think of any better people than fellow sysops and bbs user's. Presently, the Lite Speed ftp area is a distribution site for Shining Star Software, Dirt Cheap Software, Sunrise Software, Ultrasoft, WCS Software and TcSoft Doorware; and we are aggresively persuing additional programmers and authors to support. The Program: 1. Free, no cost distribution of your files to the internet and bbs community. That's right, FREE and NO COST. Some places charge storage fees and access fees and fees for this and fees for that. Well, Not here! It's that simple. For the program to work you tell me the name of the directory you want the files to be stored in and tell me how to get the files. I will get the files and load them to the bbs and the ftp site. Or, you can crash them to the bbs or upload them to the ftp area, or if there is an existing ftp site I can download the files from there, or you can copy the files to disk and mail them to me at the address given below. Whichever you prefer. Finally, the only requirement is for you to notify me of new releases and upgrades. To take advantage of the file distribution services of the River's Edge BBS and Lite Speed Data, call Everett Miller, voice at 706-576-5423 between 6pm- 9pm eastern standard time, or send internet email to or, or send fidonet netmail to 1:3613/10. Thanks for your interest in the file distribution service of the River's Edge BBS and Light Speed Data Links. If you have any questions, feel free to call or send mail (e- or net). Everett Miller 1209 Autumnridge Dr Columbus, GA 31904 Sysop, River's Edge BBS, 1:3613/10 FTP Administrator, Light Speed Data Links ftp area: